this shop is dedicated for serving happiness to all TM
If you want to see some of our stuff
you'll have to meet our workers
CEO: Vuan
Hello welcome to.. Akea
here's a image
CEO: Vuan
as you can see we are a big warehouse
filled with happiness and care
we try our hardest to give an amazing experience for our customers
but if they break the rules we'll have to ban or kick them out of the store
it can be permanent or tempory depending on what they do
any outsiders will have to test to see if they have any wepons
if they do they will be kicked out to back were their from.
Now that you have met our workers
there is only one more thing to show you
We want you! To join our team to become a worker
if you work for us you'll get a 50% discount
and we will pay you in anything you want
as long as you work for us.